Wednesday, January 11, 2017

RD16HHF1 MOSFET power transistor for HF

Oh baby.  Just got my hands on a dozen of these Mitsubishi RD16HHF1s.  These are 20W (16W minimum, 19W typical) power devices that can be driven by up to 800 mW.  The test circuit given in the PDF shows a 400 mW drive.  Darn near any HF QRP kit I have generates 100 mW or more, some of them 250 mW.  All we have to do is lash up something and hook up any of these to see what we can get out.   QRP is great, but there are so many "deaf" hams these days that I am feeling the urge to add some oomph.

One of the most exciting claims in the documentation is the "no destroy" note for load VSWR tolerance.  They list a test condition of 15.2Vdd, Power out as 16W, f=30 MHz, Idq at half an amp into a 50 ohm load on a VSWR of 20:1 (!!!), all phases - "No destroy".

Whoa. Gotta say I love a power amp that can spew 20 watts but doesn't mind if I am hideously mis-matched to the antenna.  Talk about forgiving.

More soon! I'll build the test circuit and take some pretty pictures.